Sunday, October 28, 2007

IIT JEE Chemistry Questions 31. Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates: Classification; mono- and di-saccharides (glucose and sucrose); Oxidation, reduction, glycoside formation and hydrolysis of sucrose.

I. Simple Questions

1. what are carbohydrates?
2. How are carbohydrates classified?
3. How is gluco prepared from sucrose?
4. What are monosaccharides?
5. give an example of polysaccharide.
6. Give an example of oligosaccharide.
7. How many stereo isomers a carbohydrate can have?
8. What is a cyclic hemiacetal position?
9. What is Haworth projection?
10. What is Fischer projection?
11. What is chair conformational formula?
12. What are anomers?
13. What is mutarotation?
14. What reactions are supported by reducing sugars?
15. Give two examples of disaccharides.
16. What is invert sugar?
17. what are hydrates of carbon?
18. Give the structure of Ketopentose.
19. give the structure of ketotriose.
20. Give the structure of aldotetrose.
21. Give 5 sugars and rank them in relative order of sweetness.

For answers

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